Do You Know Image

The Western culture has a long history of Islamophobia that dates back to the 12th Century time of Crusades. Ever since, the Western people have always found it difficult to see Muhammad in a more objective light. Some sectors of Western media have continued this tradition of hostility until today. But the fact of the matter is that no view of our contemporary world is complete without a fair and balanced knowledge of Islam. And to understand Islam and Muslims, one must know Muhammad - the one man who changed the course of history and still continues to inspire over a billion lives across the globe, even 14 centuries after his death. Muhammad didn’t just call for faith in One God, he brought a message for every individual to add value to his or her life, and a message for every family to be happy, and a message for every society to be just and reinforce brotherhood, and a message for every nation to emphasise on solidarity and development, and a message for humanity to strengthen knowledge, love and cooperation. To quote Karen Armstrong, a British Academic and Writer: “If we are to avoid catastrophe, the Muslim and the Western World must learn not merely to tolerate but to appreciate one another. A good place to start is with the figure of Muhammad.”